Sunday, November 07, 2004

Lets play a game

It's called "name the artist and song title". I like games like this! =) Only problem is, nobody else does, so I have no to play with. So i subject poor blog readers to it and hope for a response! Remember, no cheating! I warn you, its not easy! I think it's impossible for anyone to get it all right.

Becky's song made up entirely of stolen lyrics
Verse 1
1. As far as I'm concerned, it don't get better than this
2. So make up your own ending
3. Yeah you can say what you want but it wont change my mind
4. I never worry, now that is a lie
Verse 2
5. I saw a black flag sticker on a cadillac
6. Too alarming now to talk about
7. But I'm down to one last breath
8. You can sew it up but you still see the tear

9. Love's a hand-me down brew
10. She went and dyed her hair red
11. It's time for a few small repairs she said
12. Some things in this world you just cant change

13. The world is sleeping, I am numb
14. I cant help but ask myself how much I let the fear
take the wheel and steer
15. then i find myself choking on all my contradictions

WOAH! that was tough just to think of and make into a song!!! good luck!


At 8:28 PM, Blogger Viv said...

While I haven't a clue for all the lyrics (does googling the lot count as cheating?:P)it's pretty cool that you patchworked the lot together and it looks sweeeet. Now all you need is a nie tune to string it all together!

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Viv said...

Ooh Ooh okay. I know some.

7. Creed: One Last Breath
11. Shawn Colvin: Sunny Came Home

Er. Whee! The extent of my brilliance where all things eclectic are concerned! So do I get a prize?? :D

At 1:41 AM, Blogger beckyboo said...

Perfect v! spot on! Prize? sure, name it!


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